Once the Child reaches in the womb of mother,
Then he prays to the Lord to get him out of this bunker.
When he comes to this material world,
He is expected to see a lot further.
Gradually he becomes detached from the real owner (Lord),
And is required to go to school,
Learn a lot and complete his homework a further.
Parents want their child to merit,
Have scholarships and gifts with prizes.
Child go tense due to the pressure,
Created by the expectations of his parents and teachers.
Child in school wants to go to college,
No uniform problem and no homework batches.
But no chance of less hard work in college,
He wants to take the degree the leave the college.
Then he pursues some professional courses,
For better job and healthy mistresses (wife).
After the marriage he too wants to have children,
Cute, smart, healthy and governance.
Here the vicious circle begins again,
Child takes birth again and again.
Parents take care of their child again,
Parents grow old slowly and slowly,
For living their life for material things again.
This is the only lesson they pass on to their child,
To have better and healthy life.
No time is spent on praying the almighty and,
The soul goes further into the 84 Lakh species.
Lesser are the chances of being born as a human being,
But are assured of birth, death, old age and diseases. (vicious
Even the demigods suffer from the same and,
Have to take the shelter of the Supreme.
Have to take the shelter of the Supreme.

Now is the time to worship the Lord and,
Get free of lust, anger, envy, illusion and pride.
You are lucky to see the Lord in this birth and,
Free from the material bandages of all.
When you reside with the Lord himself,
You are always assured of bliss and happiness.